This Week
Christmas 2 - Sunday
8:00 AM
Festival of Epiphany - Monday
6:30 PM
The Gift of God: God gives satisfaction to those who patiently wait
It is always hard to wait, but particularly if what you are waiting for is extremely important. If you must wait an hour for the waiter to bring your food, it is not a huge deal. But if you need to wait a week for an electrician to restore power to your home, that is more painful. Waiting is harder when we badly need what we’re waiting for.
After the fall into sin, people of faith waited for God to provide the gift they needed most—a Savior. Century after century passed. “Where is he?” they wondered. People were powerless to save themselves from sin and death and hell. So, there was nothing to do but patiently wait. At the perfect time in history, the first Christmas occurred. The faithful rejoiced!
This week, we see that God works on the timetable he knows to be best for us. We also see that those who wait for God to act are never disappointed. For God gives satisfaction to those who patiently wait.
A Savior is born for all nations
The twelve days of Christmas culminate with the celebration of the Epiphany of our Lord. We celebrate the day when wise men from afar worshiped the Christ Child.
Before that day, Jesus had been worshiped by Jews: the shepherds, elderly Simeon, the prophetess Anna. But Scripture said the coming Savior would be God’s gift to all nations.
Epiphany proves that God keeps his promises, as he miraculously led foreigners to worship their Savior. Thus, Epiphany is sometimes called the "Gentile Christmas."
We celebrate Jesus' Epiphany to this very day. God worked through a special star to bring the wise men to their Savior—for Christ’s glory and for their blessing.
Likewise, God has controlled time and space to bring you to your Savior—for Christ’s glory and for your blessing.
The wise men were only the first in a long line of Gentiles who would join Israel in worshiping Jesus as King. A Savior is born for all the nations!
Come, let us adore him!